A great kitchen knife
A Forever Sharp Carving Knife is an indispensable and great kitchen knife. It makes kitchen tasks quick and easy, especially if you are into serious home food cooking and preservation. Get an extra one for filleting big fish.
Introduction to the great kitchen knife
This great kitchen knife is the Forever Sharp Carving Knife (or similar). It has clever teeth that are formed in the long thin blade that makes cutting easy. You could even call it a kitchen saw. Whatever we call it, it is excellent for ergonomic, safe and efficient cutting of food by a serious home cook and food preserver. I even have one in my fishing kit to fillet big fish that are too thick for my regular filleting knife. It cuts through the rib bones so easily that it makes the operation much safer.
The great kitchen knife
I remember the old adage from my father’s workshop: “It is the blunt tool that will slip and cut you.”
The cleaver scalloped design of the stainless steel blade of this knife protects the serious cutting zones of the blade within the scallops. This means that the unnamed others in the household can use the knife on one of those beautiful and hygienic ceramic cutting boards.
“Those silly ceramic cutting boards are totally dysfunctional as a cutting board. Luckily, the knife will not be harmed. This is indeed fortunate, as the scalloped blade would be just about impossible for an ordinary kitchen bloke to sharpen.”
Mothy The Elder
An occasional large fish can make my ordinary filleting knife look rather silly when it comes to splitting the fish down the middle. Having an extra one of these knives in the fishing kit is a good idea. It is a great knife for filleting big fish such as Salmon or sharks. It cuts smoothly through the flesh, skin and rib bones so easily and safely. The bleeding of the flesh can be started quickly and you can get back quickly to try to catch another.

“I have found that opportunity shops (Thrift shops for those over the ‘big briny’) often have these great kitchen knives or very similar knives on sale for a buck or two. They all have worked well despite their possible history of abuse against dodgy cutting boards in other kitchens!”
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