An Aldi Cocoon goggles action camera was modified to mount on any ski goggle strap while wearing a helmet and allows the battery holder to be carried against the warmth of the body. It works well for tracking style filming of skiing.
I found that the Aldi Cocoon goggles action camera that was integrated into a set of ski goggles was very convenient and simple to use (much simpler than my Gopro Hero Silver). However, I insist on wearing a helmet for all my skiing either in the backcountry or resorts and the camera/goggles never fitted well with the helmet. Also under very cold conditions, the batteries on my cameras would die within an hour of exposure to the elements (but would recover when warm again). My Telemark ski friends experience both problems and others report on cold camera battery problems, even apparently at Falls Creek! cold camera batteries
I removed the Cocoon camera and power supply from the goggles and made a universal goggle strap mount for the camera. This meant that the camera could be mounted on the wide elastic strap of all ski goggles and the power supply on its coiled cable could be tucked under the elastic strap or down the neck of the skiers clothing, against their skin to keep it warm under cold conditions.
I made these mounts for my ski friends, and we found that during tracking ski filming we could track other skiers well but we tended to hold our heads down and clip off the top of our subjects. To enable us to correct this fault, I added an adjustable canting pivot to the mount to allow the user to lift the camera viewing angle to compensate for their particular ‘head down’ angle.
With this modification, the camera has become my favourite camera for skiing action videos. With the press of one button, it is always ready for video action filming on the move and a second button press to stop filming, save the file and turn off the camera. Importantly, it works well all day long under the very cold temperatures experienced in Japan, where the GoPro will not work for long. Samples of the tracking video and night skiing can be viewed in the following links.