Ski glide compounds- a sneaky DIY stowaway in your toiletries
About ski glide compounds that have no offensive tell-tail smells and can be carried as a toiletry when flying for a ski trip.
I have previously posted on a DIY ski wax that is simply made from tealight candles and mineral turpentine (think it is called naphtha across the big ditch). It prevents balling up and makes skis glide well. Despite my improvements to the seal on the applicator bottle it still leaves a slight smell of turps in your parka pocket.

Also, prior to some flights, ski waxes can be confiscated, so I thought that a better DIY glide substance that did not have a tell-tail solvent smell was needed so that it could hide amongst our toiletries.

The solvent or liquid components of the last three glide compounds, shown above, work as anti-balling and as a glide aid. The inclusion of a little wax (~less than half a small tea candle, less is best as the wax will freeze solid at alpine temperatures) in the mix gives the coating much longer persistence and so is a worthwhile additive.
The Elvis Hair Gel is the simplest glide compound, as it is just pure silicone oil or treadmill lubricant and it can have a little wax added for persistent gliding.

The bottle labelled Elvis Hair Gel will hide your glide substance quite well. Also if you or your mates get stinking ski boots or walking boots, the little gin bottle marked No Stink holds the DIY secret liquid that with just three drops will make the stinkiest boot stink-free in just five seconds and is available in most supermarkets!
If you are backcountry ski-crackers like me, you may be interested in my DIY breathing polyester pyramid tent to keep you drier at night, a tiny 400g wood stick fired backpacking tent stove to keep you warm, improved DIY telescopic roll up stove pipes and a DIY stove jack to make it all light and safe.