Roll up flue pipe pulling 3.

Telescopic stove pipe. Both have been formed telescopically with the holding rings left in place. The telescopic forming can easily be reversed to form the compact foil roll within the holding rings once more without doing crinkle damage.Read More →

A spreading Oak tree that I planted when I started at my workplace. Much has changed over the years, but a good tree is a constant thing.

Introduction The following odes are a collection from my posts. I find with technical stuff, an ode can have a sort of efficiency of word usage that forces the writer to get to the point with the sparse use of words with a little fun. Some are not technical stuff,Read More →

Feijoa jelly makes a tasty spread from form the prolific fruiting of the Feijoa tree.

A trace of olive oil is used as a release agent to make screw cap lids easy to remove from home hot preserved food. Introduction Previously I have posted on tricks to release stubborn screw caps that happen with premium hot preserving in reused twist cap jars as home. BackRead More →