A pot lid/pan from a biscuit tin used as a lid and as a frying pan.

Introduction I have reported extensively on cheap ultralight lids for cooking pots and pans in an article titled Pots, pans, lids and lifters. At that stage, I did not include the humble biscuit or cookie tin lid in the list, so I do so here and point out its versatilityRead More →

Simple dome stove plus with side fuel port uncovered.

A convertible tent stove This post describes a tiny tent stove that is quickly convertible to a fast cooking outdoor stove that can cook two pots at the same time using little sticks for fuel and a USB fire blower. In tent mode, it can be used with a smallRead More →

Oil dripper for simple dome stove.

This post is about adding an optional micro oil burner to a miniature wood burning tent stove for backpacking winter camping. The ultimate aim would be to make the stove into an ‘all-night’ tent heater that uses only a small amount of vegetable oil for the task. Note: Post pageRead More →

Simple dome stove leg ready to connect stove mounting wire.

This post describes an improved and simpler stove mounting device that can be fitted to any bush stick using some wire. They can be used when camping on soil or sand and are particularly suited to mounting a tent stove in a snow pit while camping in deep snow. OneRead More →

Simple dome stove charcoal embers inflamed by an explosive drop of oil /water emulsion.

Can a tiny wood-fired tent stove be fired with oil for an all-night-stove? My investigations into a potential ‘over-night-stove‘ for a small tent concluded that it would be difficult to make a self-feeding wood stick fire stove to serve this purpose while winter backpack camping. With that failure, I thoughtRead More →

Paper clay test piece after firing in glowing charcoal.

DIY refractory paper clay I excitedly prepared this DIY refractory paper clay post after an interesting contact from Rudy who had read my DIY refractory post. He kindly sent me the text of an article titled …mix WHAT with CLAY by Brian Gartside 1993. I contacted Brian and have includedRead More →

This post describes the effect of surface emissivity coatings for ultralight tent stoves that can be used for comfort and cooking while backpacking camping while winter trekking. Introduction I consider my tiny tent stoves to be ‘heat radiators’ rather than tent air heaters, although they do both. Consequently, this postRead More →