Dome stove auto fuel stick lifter that is lifting a full load of sticks.

Introduction This post describes an improvement to my previous stick lifters so that the weight of a few pebbles (or a bag of, ice, water or a solid stick) in the bag can lift the fuel sticks to automatically. The stove burns quite well without the stick lifter. However, theRead More →

Dome stove flue pipe gland.

This post is about possible ways to adapt a Miniature Dome Stove to work in a tarp tent. Introduction Note: This post is being prepared while in self-imposed coronavirus quarantine that could go on for some time. I have been discussing with Steve the possible use of my Miniature DomeRead More →

A custom made elbow to mount a flue pipe on a Miniature Dome Stove. The elbow is built from a cone so that the narrow male end fits tightly within the fire dome. The other wider female end receives the flue pipe within it. This ensures that any creosote from the flue pipe will not leak out and make smoke in the tent.

This post describes some details on the fittings that I used to make my Miniature Dome Stove and other similar related stoves. Background A keen follower Steve who has great blogs on theultralighthiker has suggested that I provide more details on aspects of my Miniature Dome Tent Stove fittings thatRead More →

Dome Stove fuel stick lifter fully up position.

This post describes an improved large fuel port and a fuel stick lifter to make the combustion hotter and make fuelling easier in Miniature Dome Stove. Background to the Miniature Dome Stove improvements In my previous post on the Miniature Dome Stove, I discussed the possibility of adding a largerRead More →

Dome stove dark 0.

The following post describes the development and testing of a simple lightweight and compact stick burning Miniature Dome Stove. It packs within a cooking pot/s and provides for tent heating/cooking, outdoor cooking as a blower stove and backup alcohol cooking. Its simplicity, effectiveness, ease of operation, universality and safety willRead More →

Pudding bowl tent stove night.

This post is about an experimental micro tent stove that is made from a stainless steel pudding bowl. It is tiny, very simple, clean-burning and easy to keep fuelled with bush sticks. It produces steady intense radiant heat for a small tent and can boil water in a 700ml mug.Read More →

DIY alcohol storage bottle with substitute 'filler cap' with tube. It makes filling with small charges of ethanol efficient, quick and clean.

Spill free alcohol fuel bottle This free fuel bottle makes it easy to pour small quantities of alcohol cleanly and safely without waste. It is good when using the smallest stoves such as whisky top burners. A wide range of compatible bottle sizes makes the backpacking load very efficient. ARead More →