A handle for DIY foil lid
A lay flat double-sided and removable handle for DIY foil lids for cooking pots is described for ultralight camping.
I have described aluminium foil lids for cooking pots in pots pans lids and lifters. The aluminium DIY foil lid had a tiny welded stainless steel foil handle. Unfortunately, it could not be transferred to another lid if the original fragile lid required replacement.
Also, I found that I could use a DIY foil lid with either the rolled edge pointing downwards or upwards and a handle on both sides would be good. For ultralight backpacking, being able to remove the handle for safe and compact packing of multiple DIY foil lids would also be an advantage. Consequently, I thought it was time to make a double-sided removable handle for DIY foil lids.
The removable lay flat handles for a DIY foil lid for a cooking pot
I made one half of the handle with a tongue and the other with a tight pocket to receive the tongue after it was poked through a little round hole or slit in the DIY foil lid.

This short video of the assembly in the DIY foil lid may explain things a bit better.
For an explanation of how the lids fit into an ultralight cooking pot of the KISS Stove kit.
The lay flat handles are designed to be sent by letter post.
The strong and stiff stainless steel handles can tear the soft aluminium foil lid. I have found that a small disk of scrap stainless steel foil with a slit in it can be bonded to the foil lid to make a very strong mounting pint for the handle. It can be bonded with RTV silicone rubber and clamped together while the rubber cures.
