Sturdy double pot stove
This is a tough a sturdy double pot stove that is a little less light and compact to be ideal for ultralight backpacking. It is a very tough blower stove that is suitable for base camps, picnics, pulk, sledge and vehicle-based camping.
Introduction to the sturdy double pot stove
This prototype stove is very similar to my ultralight C-Ring blower stoves with a second cooking position. However, it is made of heavier gauge stainless steel which makes it; very robust, stable, free of the fiddle factor but can not be rolled up much. Calling this stove ‘heavy’ seemed to be a good idea to distinguish it from my other similar stove, but when I weighed it I was amazed to find that the stove, including the wing wall and bridge unit, only weighed 211g and this hardly justified the ‘heavy’ name. “Maybe ‘relatively less light’ would do? I settled on a positive term sturdy’.”
The sturdy double pot blower stove
The sturdy double pot blower stove is designed for, short backpacking, base camps, car camping and picnics where a little extra weight and volume is not an issue. It is capable of boiling water as well as cooking at the same time over the wing wall. The wing wall and second bridge unit are very solid and can be removed for packing up or to be left behind if not needed. It’s a ground-based C-Ring burner that has no bottom and it has a sturdy permanent flame guide to take the flame away from the primary pot and cleanly under the second pot if there is one.

The sturdy double pot blower stove is a little less compact and light when compared with my titanium roll up equivalent stove for backpacking, but they were designed to be ‘the worlds lightest stoves’. However, the sturdy, robust and durable nature of this stove makes it very appropriate for base camps, picnics, pulk or sledge camping and vehicle-based camping. The stiffness, weight and quick set up makes the stove very easy to use to provide abundant cooking with a few found bush sticks as the fuel. It is so nice to use that has become a favourite for family picnics.