Pouring from hot food scoop that is made from a square ice cream bowl. The sagging of the bowl when hot helps to form an excellent narrow pouring spout for precision pouring. The bowl returns to a square shape when scooping the next portion of hot food.

A pouring scoop for hot food

A square plastic bowl can make an excellent mess free and fast pouring scoop for hot stewed fruit, conserves, soups and stews. A bowl with a simple lip works best.

The mess-free pouring scoop

Simple square bowls as shown in the photo below makes a superior device for filling freezer bags or jars when compared with cups and jugs etc. They are also excellent for mixing and cleanly dispensing pancakes and pikelets etc.

These bowls fit perfectly in almost any large cooking pan or pot. They have a large capacity so that each bag or jar can generally be filled with a single loading of the scoop.

Also, when the scoop is held, with a pinching action by one corner, the bowl then distorts to make a perfect pouring spout on the opposite side. This enables safe, clean, quick and precise pouring of very hot food into small openings.

A premium hot food pouring scoop (green) in the form of a square ice cream bowl. The bowl (on the right) is an original bowl that predates the tamper-proof bowls of today. If you can't find one of these old ones, you can use sharp scissors to cut off the complex tamper-proof rim to make an equivalent scoop. I also flame the edge of the cut ( with the radiant heat from a propane flame...no contact with the actual flame) to soften or round the newly cut edge.  "Mysteriously, the old original bowl still pours more cleanly (than the modified modern one) with no dribbles."

A premium hot food pouring scoop (green) in the form of a square ice cream bowl. The bowl (on the right) is an original bowl that predates the tamper-proof bowls of today. If you can’t find one of these old ones, you can use sharp scissors to cut off the complex tamper-proof rim to make an equivalent scoop. I also flame the edge of the cut ( with the radiant heat from a propane flame…no contact with the actual flame) to soften or round the newly cut edge. “Mysteriously, the old original bowl still pours more cleanly (than the modified modern one) with no dribbles.”
Pouring from hot food scoop that is made from a square ice cream bowl. The sagging of the bowl when hot helps to form an excellent narrow pouring spout for precision pouring. The bowl returns to a square shape when scooping the next portion of hot food.
Pouring from hot food pouring scoop that is made from a square ice cream bowl. The sagging of the bowl when hot helps to form an excellent narrow pouring spout for precision drip free pouring. The bowl returns to a square shape when scooping the next portion of hot food.


After trying both the above bowls while pouring both preserves and pancake mix, I observed that the bowl with the moulded lip (green) was superior for preventing dribbling down the outside of the bowl. I will try a heavier fire polishing of the pouring corner and see if this improves things.

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