DIY Refractory from Sodium Silicate “Born in fire to survive in fire”
DIY sodium silicate preparation and refractory coatings, fillers and objects that can be made with sodium silicate for small projects are described.

Introduction to DIY refractory
This will not excite all people, but for a tinkerer like me, it does.
“As I expectantly search in my fire to find the virtually invisible object that I have carefully created. I am relieved and excited to find it has survived the ravages of the fire. I am full of awe when I remove the component from the red hot coals with my fire tongs and watch the translucent glowing object slowly return to the ordinary realm to reveal its new colour, feel, hardness and fire-resistant qualities.”
I heard a WA guest potter, on ABC radio, describing such feeling when he opens up his massive, wood-fired in-ground furnace, on his farm, to reveal his giant ceramic works of art. At my small scale I feel a little bit like the wizard Gandalf when he throws Bilbo Baggins magic ring (that was left to Frodo) into the coals to reveal the inscription that reveals that the ring is;
“The One that rules them all, one ring to find them,
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”
“It is most magical when you don’t quite know what to expect, so there is some abstract value in ignorance”
All the little DIY refractory tricks and trinkets on this page have used sodium silicate (water glass) in their preparation. Its precursors, sand and sodium hydroxide, are cheap and abundant. It is a very useful industrial substance and has endless uses for a tinkerer like me (“and probably you, if you have got this far without nodding off”). It is used in thousands of everyday items around us and we are blissfully unaware of it (sodium silicate uses).
I discovered that it could be mixed with materials and metals to make functional DIY refractory coatings, fillings and objects for my inventions and prototype things. Usually, the other components are coated, embedded and bonded and other refractory minerals and oxides can be used to make a new thing that is more resistant to heat.
“Does that sound like gobbledygook? Well, hopefully, it will all come clear if you read on.”
In my best applications, I use concentrated sodium silicate and only use a tiny portion of it in the mix. The same applies to water in the mix.
It is tempting to use more sodium silicate (and water) to make mixing and moulding easy. However, this is a trap for beginners and often less is more!
Note: In my recent searches I have found that the inclusion of a high proportion of fine mineral dust in the silicate mix will, prevent or reduce intumescence. “Intumescence means swelling when rapidly heated……now that’s a good word for Scrabble or the breakfast table if you still have a meal table.”
I find that the smallest practical proportion of sodium silicate (or the maximum amount of refractory mineral) that can fuse the aggregate during firing will give the best product. This means that it will be less prone to excessive softening or ‘glassing’ and intumescence during firing or refractory use in a stove (An example of this can be seen in the photo below, showing sample ‘T13’ ). This is because the sodium content of the silicate acts as a flux to lower the melting point of all that it is mixed with. This fluxing must be limited to make a refractory that is functional at high temperature. See refractory mixing for more details.
The addition of very high melting point refractory minerals such as aluminium oxide can counterbalance some of this excessive fluxing. It also means that you need to mold with dryish crumbly raw refractory mixes that must be packed into the mold with considerable tamping force with strong resisting force from the mold. This ensures that the component can be removed safely from the mold (if require) without breakage and to get a dense strong product after firing.
“At the risk of sounding like an aged female Homosapien, I will state the bleeding obvious; always make a small test disk of you magic mix before you make the big one.”
DIY sodium silicate
Sodium silicate is very cheap when purchased by the ton but it is not readily available in small quantities in the concentrated form for a tinkerer such as me. Consequently, I make it for myself. It can be made from pure quartzite sand (SiO2), but this too is not easy to obtain in small quantities (please let me know if you can find a cheap supply) and subsequent reaction with sodium hydroxide at high temperature is very hazardous and not advisable or welcome in your kitchen sodium silicate from sand.
A less hazardous (but still hazardous) method is to start with silica gel (cat litter) and react it with a little water and sodium hydroxide powder (drain cleaner). These reagents are both cheap and readily available. The rection is quite simple but protracted. However, any use of sodium hydroxide (in a home or a laboratory) should be approached with great care and adequate protection for; yourself, particularly your eyes, other people, especially little ones sodium silicate from silica gel.
Preparation of concentrated sodium silicate stock solution for DIY refractories
My particular method for making concentrated sodium silicate is a little different from others. My aim is to use as little water as possible so that the finished solution is concentrated (thick and goooopy without leftover silica gel crystals or a crusty insoluble scum. To achieve this I needed to use a little more water and sodium hydroxide. I use:
Water 570g. This should just be clean water and does not need to be distilled water.
Sodium hydroxide 210g. You will need a fresh jar of pure sodium hydroxide (US) Otherwise, caustic soda drain cleaner is available from many supermarkets. However, it must be 100% pure sodium hydroxide or look for another drain cleaner that is. Even so, I use a fresh jar as the contents of ‘stale’ or opened jar will have absorbed carbon dioxide from the air and will have sodium carbonate in it which spoils the end product.
“Don’t worry, this caustic soda still has many good uses for a tinkerer. For example, it can be used as preparation for DIY fruit drying (particularly if food grade as in the US link). Sounds terrible? However, the fruit acids rapidly neutralise the caustic. Trust me as I am a retired chemist who lived to tell the tale.”
Silica gel 300g. The silica gel can be purchased cheaply as a big bag of cat litter crystals that are pure silica gel. “If you don’t have a cat, I’m sure you will find other uses for it as a fellow tinkerer.” If your silica gel has coloured indicator crystals or perfume, this should not matter for making sodium silicate.
The quantities do not have to be exact, I call it bucket chemistry. The good thing is that it will make so much, that you will have a big supply of it for many projects and it keeps indefinitely in a sealed plastic bottle.
Caution 1: Use a safety shield or goggles and rubber gloves as sodium hydroxide is dangerous to the eyes and irritates the skin. (Quality reusable rubber gloves will also be very useful when tinkering with the applications listed below). As a precaution, I like to have handy a big plastic bucket of clean water for emergency washing and also a 2 L ice cream bowl with 1 L of water with ~2 tablespoons of vinegar in it. The weak acetic acid (vinegar) in this will rapidly and harmlessly neutralize any hydroxide that may get on your skin.
Caution 2: The end product, the concentrated sodium silicate liquid, will be quite alkaline and when you are making it or using it you should be ready to quickly wash it off your skin with water and the vinegar solution.
“The slippery feeling on your skin is the alkali reacting with your protective skin oils and turning them into soaps! So wash it off and acidify in vinegar water quickly to stop this reaction. An adequate clean up is when the slipperiness stops.”
Mothy The Elder
For the sodium silicate reaction, I like to use a very large stainless steel pot (much bigger than in the above video), so that it has more metal for cooling and more volume to contain any bubbling boiling and frothing. It can be a cheap stainless steel pot. The chemicals will not harm the pot, and will safely wash off without a trace with cold water. (The reaction might even clean the pot a little as caustic is used as an industrial stainless steel pickling fluid.)
The dissolution of the sodium hydroxide in water produces a lot of heat. The dissolution of the silica gel in the sodium hydroxide at the start also produces a lot of heat, so add it slowly as the heat dissipates. Perversely, to finish the dissolution of the silica gel the whole lot must be heated for some time.
My routine is as follows:
- Add the water to the pot.
- Carefully add the sodium hydroxide and mix gently with a long-handled stainless steel spoon to make the crystals dissolve. Slow down the mixing if the solution starts to boil. When the sodium hydroxide has dissolved the solution will be very hot.
- Next, slowly add some of the silica gel to the hot solution and stir. The crystals will at first float around on top and the heat from the reaction will cause some frothing. When the frothing subsides add more crystals and repeat until all the crystals are added.
- By this time the heat from the reaction will be exhausted and heat from a stove cooktop will be required to finish the reaction. If some crystals will not dissolve they can be filtered off when the solution is cooled
- Store in a sealed plastic bottle with an appropriate safety label on it and in a safe place.
Now for the fun bit, the applications of DIY refractories
I mix DIY sodium silicate refractory concentrate with various minerals, metals and metal oxides to make a useful range of DIY refractory components with low to high strength and abrasion resistance.
Refractory; renders, fillers, adhesives and the ‘traces of magic-refractory-stuff’ that helps it all hold together in hell fire.
The ‘magic-refractory-stuff’ that you might need are listed below:
The recipes quantities that are expressed in grams are approximate and not critical and teaspoon equivalents (tspn.) are also indicated in brackets. The renders are best applied as multiple thin coats as this avoids ‘runs’ and variably thick layers that do not cure properly.
A. Simple thin silicate render. Recipe; 100g DIY sodium silicate concentrate + 10g baby talcum powder (2 tspn.) + 9g iron oxide (2 tspn.) + 40g water). This is the basis of all my renders/fillers. It makes a dense, dark (high emissivity) smooth heat resistant coating for stove metal with a higher heat resistance than sodium silicate concentrate (without refractory oxides added). It needs a slow heat curing up to about 50 C to be dry to touch, then further prolonged heating to 100 C to dehydrate most of the water. Then this should be followed by a slow ramped heating to 250 C to remove the last chemically bound water prior to the final high temperature firing to ~500+ C at which stage the coating will be converted into a type of glass or inorganic polymer.
Any cleanup of spilt render or surfaces that need to be clear of render should be cleaned off after the initial 50 C drying as the subsequent curing/firing steps will make clean up progressively more difficult. Clean up can be done with water and cloth or paper and also a pot scrubber at the early stage. Very had abrasives will be needed for clean up otherwise.
Note: Close-fitting surfaces that are contaminated with refractory and are subsequently fired together can bond together so that they will be difficult to separate. This is good if you desire this effect, but bad if the parts need to be separated. Brushes and tools can be simply soaked then washed in water for clean up.

B. Aluminium oxide silicate render. This makes a; thicker, textured and higher heat resistant coating than A-render. It will still be dark with high emissivity but will have a fine hard abrasive sandpaper-like finish when fully cured. Use the same heat curing as described for Render-A. Recipe; 100g DIY sodium silicate concentrate + 10g baby talcum powder (2 tspn.) + 9g iron oxide (2 tspn.) + 20g aluminium oxide + 40g water).
Alternatively, use render-A and dip the toothbrush into a small amount of aluminium oxide powder to achieve the desired texture/thickness on the surface being rendered. This saves having two or more different renders and allows you to vary the proportion of aluminium oxide for any particular application.
Note: The inclusion of aluminium oxide grits in the render has an additional benefit of acting as a cutting agent when vigorous brushing is used to apply the first base render to a ‘new surface’. It leaves tiny scratches and slowly removes trace contaminants that make the surface hydrophobic.
“Ironically, it is probably my skin oils that have contaminated the metal while working on it and it is the alkaline silicate that will remove it with the aid of scrubbing with grits and an old toothbrush.”
Mothy The Elder

Iron oxide render colour. The same B-render was used on the stoves in the above two photos. The darker colouration of the freshly rendered C-ring stove photo above will changes to a red-brown colour after hours of high-temperature operation (500+C). The colour of the tent stove render has changed to red-brown after much high-temperature operation near the front of the stove cooktop where the gas combustion is largely completed. The rear of the cooktop is less red as it is above the exhaust channel that does not get quite as hot.
For a tent stove, a black colour is best for high emissivity of radiant heat to campers in a small tent. Consequently, it would be tempting to think that black iron oxide (that is less oxidized) would make a better render colour than red iron oxide (that is fully oxidized)
However, I have not put it to the test, but I think both oxides will end up red in the terminal fully oxidized state after surviving hell-fire. If anyone has tried the black iron oxide please let me know how it goes. Anyway, the bottom line is that the red colour is very emissive and much better than bare metal. It also, as a bonus it makes infrared thermometers work more accurately.
Foamed A or B-render. To avoid foaming the render needs slow curing in stages up to about 250 C. In contrast, if the render is slowly dried up to 50 C then on to 100 C and is then followed by rapid heating toward 250 C it will cause the last water of hydration to form steam bubbles and foam in the curing silicate polymer and make the render an expanded foam.
(photo of foamed render)
A and B render as a foam-filler. I largely use the A-render as an expanding filler. It is not strong or abrasion resistant but can be coated with subsequent layers of un-foamed A or B-render to make it stronger and more resistant to abrasion. Deeper cracks or voids in the component will exude tongues of foam, but these can easily be sanded off, and sharp internal corners can be left with a gentle fillet of foam in them ready to receive dense overcoating.
Foamed B-render as a metal cleaner/primer. For sodium silicate renders to bond well to metal surfaces they must be meticulously clean and free of oils (particularly from the tinkers skin), cutting compounds and waxes etc. Even when cleaned the surface should preferably be etched to provide keying for the silicate polymer to bond to.
Simple cleaning is almost impossible to achieve with handmade components. Burning at 500 C, with a lock-in butane torch, is one quick and cheap way of cleaning the surface of small components. However, for larger items, I have found that foamed B-render is particularly useful as a surface priming medium. There can be the combined actions of the;
- Alkaline ‘degreasing’ chemistry of the silicate,
- The abrasive action of the aluminium oxide grits,
- The combination of grits and vigorous brushing with a stiff brush, such as an old toothbrush.
The surface changes from hydrophobic (water repelling) to hydrophilic as the surface is cleaned.
A subsequent firing at high-temperature acts to; clean, and prime the metal surface. Foaming of this render makes this layer easy to remove with clean sandpaper using clean rubber gloves. The surface will be ‘primed’ ready to receive the first permanent render layer. If the dense B or C-render is used for this cleaning/priming it takes a lot of effort to sand off the cleaning coating.
“I know this from experience as I occasionally need to retro weld to a ‘final coated stove’ and it takes a considerable effort with a Dremel tool and grinding cone to clean of a tiny spot of the render to make welding possible. The foam coating, in contrast, vanishes easily like ‘hard meringue’.”
Examples of DIY refractory creations.
Lightweight aluminium/sodium silicate foam matrix.
This is a very interesting application of the A or B renders that can be used to fill large voids, holes or spaces between heat-resistant objects.
Quite accidentally, when I ‘painted’ aluminium foil on both sides with A-render. I folded it and coiled it and stuffed it into a void between two stainless steel tubes. As I tamped it into the void to make it a tight fit, it started to spontaneously heat up, fume, foam, expand and ‘lock-up’.
It makes a lovely tight heat-resistant fill between things such as concentric pipes and can be cured at ~100 C. The silicate ooze and contamination can be easily cleaned up at this stage. Then it can be heated up to ~500+ C for final cure. I often use a propane flame for this because it is so quick.
“I recently used this technique to make some experimental micro oil injectors for my latest hybrid stove. I was in a hurry, so I heated the voluminous aluminium/silicate joint with a propane torch and noticed that flames shot out of the curing matrix. Yes, it is making hydrogen gas during curing. I don’t want to spoil your fun, but be careful of the spontaneous heat if you make this matrix in any quantity and be careful with naked flames.”
Mothy The Elder

The air jet nozzles in the photo below were ‘lost’ in the glowing coals of my kitchen wood heating stove for a day or more of regular use.
“Yes, I forgot that they were in the fire having a short gentle cure at ~300 C. They were sitting on a little refractory stand that was away from the glowing coals, and I just piled more wood in on top of them and they were only recovered when sifting the ash from the fire sometime later (for my compost bin and garden) when I remembered my mistake! Importantly, they survived and were very well cured.”

This material can be cut with a ‘slim’ aluminium oxide cutting wheel and can be sanded with aluminium oxide sandpaper. It does not grind well as the remaining metallic aluminium in the matrix blocks grindstones pores. The cut face of this matrix can be coated with a layer of A or B-render to fill any voids and seal off the metallic aluminium.
Sand ‘stone’
This is a simple and very cheap formulation, but it lacks strength and can be frittered away by abrasion. The weakness of this mix is probably due to carbonate (seashell) contamination and may work much better with pure quartzite sand of non-marine origin.

Aluminium oxide ‘stone’
This is a very simple, tough and hard DIY refractory that can take any temperature that can be generated by a tinkerer with wood or charcoal fuel in the house or backyard without the use of pure oxygen. The major component is aluminium oxide ‘sandblasting’ grit that is commonly available from automotive accessory stores such as Super cheap auto.
The resulting refractory; looks, feels and behaves like a traditional aluminium oxide ‘oil stone’. Marks left from knife sharpening can be seen around the edge of the circular disk in the photo below.
“As discussed later this mix can make a tough hot-face render in small stoves where the softer insulated refractory of the core stove material is not adequately strong or abrasion resistant in areas where fuel sticks are fed in and jiggled into place by enthusiastic helpers at a campsite!”

Garnet ‘stone’
This refractory is similar to the aluminium oxide except that it is made from abundant waste garnet grits from the sludge tank that is below a water-jet cutting machine. It is also a very simple, tough and hard DIY refractory that can take any temperature that can be generated with wood fuel in the house or backyard. It is also excellent for knife sharpening.

Perlite, clay and sodium silicate aggregate
This very lightweight refractory that is made with perlite is a very interesting material as it is so light it is like a mineral equivalent of ‘chocolate crackles’ from our unhealthy eating at childhood parties. (Rice bubbles, cocoa, sugar and copha.
“Nearly a perfect construction of an obesity food pyramid, just missing the salt.”
Mothy The Elder
The test disk softened and ‘glassed’ on part of the surface under very hot firing conditions. It survived the ravages of very hot wood fire coals and its density is only 0.3g/cc.
Consequently, with some formulation tweaking and application of a strong ‘hot face render’ to the inside surfaces to stop softening, ‘glassing’ and abrasion, it could have very good refractory/insulating properties for lightweight DIY stoves/heaters. It could be formed in situ in a thin stainless steel or titanium enclosure to provide for its mechanical protection on the outside.

Perlite, sand, high-temperature mortar and sodium silicate.
This refractory mix has a low density and is thermally insulated by the inclusion of perlite in the aggregate. The mix also includes sand and Lanko 156 High Temperature Mortar that is available from Bunnings. Alternatively, in the US, an equivalent would be Dry Mix 211 Refractory Mortar.

Vermiculite clay silicate aggregate
This is another lightweight and thermally insulating refractory mix. It uses vermiculite (instead of perlite) and cat litter clay (I think there are better clays for this purpose), sodium silicate and water in the preparation of the mix.
After firing the surface requires a refractory render coat to make it more resistant to abrasion damage. In the sample (photo below) I drilled a big hole in it after curing at high temperature.
“It was unexpectedly easy to machine with any rotating piece of pipe (no need for teeth). Immediately, in my mind I could imagine that I could make a simple big block of this stuff and machine strategic holes into it to create a small, sophisticated and lightweight rocket mass heater burner body without the need for complex mold building and all the ‘inside-out-thinking’ and issues of allowing for shrinking that that molding entails. This complexity is described in my experimental stick burner post.”

Note: At this stage, it is worth noting that the equivalent lightweight perlite refractory did not machine nicely. I think this difference could be that the vermiculite flakes laminate flat against one another forming large tight ‘platelet-bonds’ that do not break during cutting. In contrast, the perlite grains or balls bond at the ‘kiss contact points’ and resist cutting until they eventually snap off the matrix. The machining swarth from the vermiculite just flowed out easily as a smooth ‘ant-hill’ of powder, whereas the equivalent perlite aggregate had a granular swarth that damaged the cut surface as it exited the hole. In describing the machining as cutting, I think it is more correct to think of it as rubbing and the swarth material is acting as a fine abrasive against the parent material. Because of this, the tools do not need to be particularly hard, sharp or expensive and they can run at slow speeds in a simple drill.
“This means that custom boring tools of various sizes could easily be made in a modest tinkerers workshop.”
Vermiculite, Lanco 156 refractory cement and silicate aggregate.
This mix does not have any clay in the mix.

Vermiculite and silicate only
This is the simplest vermiculite silicate mix and it seems to be quite effective.

Crab-hole-mound ‘stone’
This test refractory mix was born of frustration with clay sources from my farm or local earthworks or pet shop kitty litter clay. None of them made a stable refractory. So I tried some ‘crab hole mounds’ just for fun. When I mixed it with very little sodium silicate it made a stable refractory that is very strong and as hard as a hard rock. “So maybe those pesky crayfish were part of intelligent design after all.”

You may have guessed by now that I have a propensity for curiosity and a tendency toward natural impatience. I made a small sample disk of the left-over ‘crab hole refractory mix’ and I impatiently fired it without quite removing the last chemically bound water and it resulted in a ‘slightly puffed’ (intumescenced) test puck of refractory. I imagine that a refractory mix that expands a little, as it finally cures, could be a useful option in many situations, as the most common experience is for refractories to shrink a little as they cure and are fired. “So, impatience is not all bad, especially when it is coupled with curiosity!”

Zirconia fibre felt coating/bonding
This is a delicate featherweight insulating refractory made from thin zirconia fibre felt that can be laminated, bonded and sealed with sodium silicate A-render. I imagine such material could be used for ultralight heat risers in rocket stoves. The outside is finished with layers of render-B, while the inside has an extra experimental render of red clay slip with sodium silicate.

Please see my other use of sodium silicate as a cement mortar accelerant.
Addendum 1
Post-hole versus crab-hole soil as a DIY refractory matrix.
In the above post, I ‘heap praise’ on a stone-like refractory that can be made with my local crab hole soil as a refractory matrix. I had no sensible reason for why this should be so, especially when other local clays were ineffective.
I was looking for a bulk source of refractory matrix for the construction of a garden cooker/smoker and after a particularly dry summer, there was very little crab activity and very few mounds to harvest.
While doing some real work, I was Post hole Digging on my farm (“I think this is the origin of Agricultural PhDs”). I was systematically collecting the subsoil in a bucket because if you don’t, it “just defies physical laws of conservation of matter” and get mysteriously lost and goes somewhere, and there is not enough left to backfill around the post. With some spare soil left over, I thought; “Would this subsoil be similar to ‘crab-hole-mound’ material?”
I made some test disks with crab-hole and post-hole soils using a ratio of 100g dry ground soil mixed with 30g of sodium silicate. I omitted the addition of an extra 6g of water for these mixes. This meant that the mixing was difficult and slow, but the texture was denser and better for molding. The following test pucks resulted. This started a whole new thread on better refractory mixing.

Both test pucks were strong, hard (equivalent aluminium oxide hardness) no cracking and very heat resistant. The Posthole soil was very easy to collect. I concluded that the two soils were equivalent as a refractory matrix provided that they were ground to a fine powder (and sifted through
“I also concluded that crayfish were not adding some magic factor to the mix, as I had suggested (above) as part of their contribution to ‘intelligent design’. In reality, collecting the soil from a suitable depth was probably the critical factor for success, whether done by me with my post hole auger or the crayfish labours.”
An ode to The dreaded virus;
That virus has ruined my planned ocean cruising,
And my shares have copped a real bruising,
With growing BLM awareness and a sense of fairness,
Out of this mess, our thinking may be improving.
Addendum 2
Paper clay as an alternative DIY Refractory
These comments don’t quite fit in this post, because the mix contains no added silicate. However, it is so interesting as an alternative simple ceramic for tinkerers that it should get a special mention. Rudy has read this post and kindly sent me a copy of the text of an interesting article about what I will call ceramic paper clay.
I have made a small test item of paper clay and it was an easy material to work with and it easily survived its birth in fire and at red heat a dunking into a bucket of water.
“When it comes to making functional 3D items from ceramic paper clay it is a lot easier than any of my silicate formulations listed above. Consequently, I highly recommend the post to any keen ceramic tinkerer like me.”
Addendum 3
Use of paper in alternative sodium silicate DIY Refractories
I have made yet another post that looks at using paper to make refractory ceramics with sodium silicate.
Special note:
For me, the making of refractories ”born-in-fire-to-survive-in-fire’ is just a small step in pursuing my passion of making tiny glowing red hot tent stoves that make warmth from a few sticks while winter camping in a tiny tent. If you are interested please see my latest KISS Stove. It is a must-see post if you are fascinated with bush sticks as a source of powerful clean heat for cooking and comfort in a tiny tent. This tiny gas stove makes its own gas from a tiny hand full of truly renewable fuel sticks in a tiny ‘quasi gasifier’ tent stove. It even burns quite happily with damp fuel sticks. “The same principles of hot/clean combustion of sticks can help you ‘fire’ your beloved ceramic creations.”
Other related posts
If you happen to be another lover of this wonderful, versatile and abundant element Silicon (Si), you may be interested in my post on silicone rubber for ultralight backpacking gear for all sorts of tinkering tricks.
Or you may like my latest post on a comparison of wonder DIY adhesive made from silicone rubber; Sugru, Kintsugle, Tommy Tape and DIY Oogoo- a comparison
I saw this about cleaning,”
…Even when cleaned the surface should preferably be etched to provide keying for the silicate polymer to bond to…”
A possible good material to clean and do this is “Bar Keepers Friend”. It’s mostly oxalic acid and cheap. Like $3 USD a 16oz. can. It’s supposed to completely clean rust (it’s in brake fluid cleaner) and it cleans and passivates stainless steel. I bought several cans to clean my traction fuel injection lines out.
Hi Sam, Regarding surface cleaning, an acid cleaner is fine and quite good. However, it will be much better after the surface is first degreased with a strong alkaline agent. Any residual grease/oil/fingerprints will stop the acid cleaner from reaching the metal surface. High temperature, from a propane flame, also can destroy any organic contamination layer and provide a good base for bonding of the refractory. My sanding with sand paper then use of the thin alkaline refractory with aluminium oxide grits, scrubbing with a tooth brush and flaming with a propane torch work well. Tim
Hey Tim. I am currently building a forge using a mix of diy sodium silicate, perlite and sand. This will be a liner for a helium tank, which I need to create an opening. So if I use say a 6″ wide coffee tin and cover it with parchment paper, will the refractory bond with the parchment or make removal of the tin easier?
Many thanks!
Hi Kevin, Thanks for your comment. I usually use polythene plastic sheet as my wrap to release and prevent sticking. If I use paper or cardboard it is usually with view to burning it away as the silicate will bond well with it (See my paper silicate post). If I understand you correctly, you are proposing to coat the coffee tin (that has been coated with parchment), with your refractory and then remove the tin?
I think this will create problems as the bulging seams on each end of the can will ‘catch’ during removal. Also, most refractories shrink during curing, so this will either crack your refractory coating or make the removal impossible.
As an alternative, try using a larger tin and putting a simple round wooden blank (the size of the coffee tin) in it. Make it have a small taper to make it easy to remove. Wrap it in many layers of polythene sheet so that it will release easily. The layers of plastic can also be used to form the previously mentioned taper. Packing refractory into the cavity between the outer tin and the inner core is slow but easy and will give a much better and stronger refractory, particularly when using perlite. The outer tin can be left in place for added protection and mounting etc. It will be a little loose after curing, but the gap can be filled with the expanding foaming refractory described in my post. Also line the outer tin with plastic if you wish to remove it by cutting it off. Silicate likes to bond with most things.
I hope this makes sense and good luck
Thank you for such a quick response. I actually used a coffee can as an example, 4″ pvc is what I will be using because of the level sides and the rigidity for a helium tank forge with a propane burner. The mix I was planning is 2 parts sand to 1 part perlite, but I am unsure as to the amout of sodium silicate to use. Also, should I let the mix set partially before removing the pvc pipe?
Thanks again for such awesome information.
Hi Kevin, Sorry, I did not quite understand. I am not familiar with a helium tank. Is this tank going to be the outside of the forge lining and left in place? If so the 4″ pvc pipe should work well. Yes, I would remove the PVC core after letting the mix set. This will allow for shrinkage during curing. Make the pvc core tapered smaller toward the back end by wrapping the core in lots of layers of long strips of polythene sheet, more layers at the front than at the back. This will make the removal slippery and easy.
Regarding your refractory mix make test mixes and try it out first. Remember to use the minimum silicate in the mix so that it does not glass with high temperature of the propane flame.
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I am interested in making a baffle for my woodstove. The board is 1/2″ thick and is approximately 12″ x 20″. Any starting recipe that you would recommend. I can make sodium silicate and have access to fireclay, sand, perlite and vermiculite.
Hi Darren, Half an inch is quite thin for a 12*20 board and may crack. You could try putting some metal mesh toward the back of the board and make it a bit thicker. You could cut crack lines to make the board more like tiles that are bound together.
Regarding the refractory mix, I would try this one that is listed in my post. Perlite, sand, high-temperature mortar and sodium silicate. This refractory mix has a low density and is thermally insulated by the inclusion of perlite in the aggregate. The mix also includes sand and Lanko 156 high temperature mortar that is available from Bunnings. Use a minimum of clay and silicate to make a dryish mix that hangs together when compacted.
Please let me know how it goes.
Hi Tim,
Thank you for your wonderful advise regarding the mesh. I will try one of your mixes and let you know how long it will last in a wood stove during the burn season.
Hi Darren, Thanks for your comment. I have just tested ceramic paper clay.
It was very easy and cheap to make. I think the paper in the mix will mean that there will not be a problem with cracking. Maybe you could try that first. It is far easier than any of my other silicate refractories to make and form. If you are interested, please ask your question in my ceramic paper clay post and I will provide my suggested recipe. Good luck.
I’m very impressed with your “tinkering”.
When making sodium silicate I do not use sand or silica gel for many reasons, mainly they can be very impure, hard to find “the good stuff” and also they can cost a bit especially when making larger amount of sodium silicate.
Instead I use glass, specifically clear container glass (jars, bottles) . Its over 70%SiO2, around 14% Na2O, 10% CaO and the rest some minor additives of which none is poisonous and some beneficial (Al2O3) to refractories.
If you don’t want calcium silicate in the mix then its very easy to separate – calcium silicate (and most other additives) is water insoluble.
When doing a batch I put some NaOH and broken glass bits into a crucible and then once melted I add Na2CO3 and more glass.
It is easier to melt Na2CO3 in initial NaOH melt than without it.
Not sure what temperature I get in my furnace, never precisely measured it, but I have no problems whatsoever with melting Al or Cu and it glows whitish – I guess around 1000 DegC.
The furnace is “weird” rocket stove with natural air supply and no blowers. Fuel is usually wood, chipboard, OSB or plywood, but can be anything from used cooking or engine oil for higher temps to straw, wood shavings or dry leaves for melting Al.
Happy tinkering 🙂
Hi Remy, Thanks for your detailed comments.
What do you use the sodium silicate for? Making it from silica gel is quite easy even in a kitchen. I would have thought that starting with silica gel would be very pure?
I agree finding good pure silicate sand is difficult. Is there some other reason to use sand glass? Or do you just do this because you can?
Your rocket furnace sounds very interesting and versatile. Can you provide us with a link to your description of it if you have one and are happy to share it with us?
I agree high temperatures are tricky to measure. Using colour, I would say that whitish would be about 1,000C and the melting pint of copper is 1,085C.
Do you know how to prepare sodium silicate as a dry powder material?
Similarly, do you have a post that you can share about your sodium silicate from glass, sodium carbonate and a furnace?
Thanks so much, hope to hear from you (my internet connection is dodgy at the moment so I may have delays in the communication)
Wow, that was quick 🙂
To be fair I do not have too much experience with cat litter of different brands, but the stuff I have seen wasn’t just silica gel. Had cobalt in it (tiny amount), bentonite and/or some other stuff.
I use glass because it is fairly pure silica with a bit of sodium (added anyway), calcium and some minor additives. Its easy to get rid of calcium and “other additives” as these oxides and silicates are not water soluble.
Never tried to prepare dry powder. A quick idea coming to mind without checking solubility is salting out with water miscible solvent like alcohol or acetone.
I do not have a link to a description as I never made one 🙂 I borrowed the idea of some YouTube video, I guess I should find the video first to give credit where its due.
Basically, its around 600mm long, vertical tube as fuel feed on one side and chimney on the other. Secondary air intake comes in in two channels, one on each side of a chimney, goes along the stove and enters combustion chamber before the fuel intake tube. That way the air is well preheated before it gets to combustion chamber.
Whole stove with the secondary intakes included is insulated with around 100mm of silicate bonded perlite. Sides, top and bottom.
Just before the chimney there is raised well where I lower down the crucible, This well is well insulated and also there is a silicate-perlite board to cover the crucible.
The burning chamber is mild steel, 3mm, the outside of air intakes is out of mild steel 2mm and outer shell holding insulation in place is thin mild steel, don’t remember now, but 0.5 maybe 0.7mm.
Melts Al with lesser fuel and copper with some more energy rich fuel. My IR gun is not up to the task of measuring that high. Might have to order thermocouple as I got curious now 🙂
Its winter here in UK and I hate cold so no much tinkering in the backyard for another month or so.
One thing I will try as soon as winter is over is home made alumina. Should go well with home made sodium silicate 🙂
Dissolve aluminum in solution of NaOH. If you add some acid Al2O3 precipitates.
Once washed then mixed with sodium silicate should make good high temperature refractory.
Acetic acid is good enough, bubbling CO2 through solution might also work but I never tried.
Its not just for melting and casting. I’ve made some CaO out of CaCO3, partially split Na2SO4 as SO2 generator, converting Pb oxides is a doddle.
Now important bit is that steel doesn’t last very long and heat resistant paint I could find is only upto 600 DegC, so no point.
Never though of using silicates to prevent steel oxidation.
I’ll have a go 🙂
Also, BIG THANKS for another thing I never thought of – silicate ceramics to replace steel in furnace construction!
Two questions:
– I always try to avoid stainless when cooking/melting/fusing alkali in case I got some Cr leached out of it. Cr6+ is something to avoid and in that witches brews I was never 100% sure I wont get it as side product. Have you ever had a hint of Cr leached out of stainless when cooking/melting NaOH ?
– have you ever had silicate render flaking of metals or cracking after few hot-cold cycles due to differences in thermal expansion coefficient?
Hi Remy, You were pretty quick with your reply too!
I can’t be so quick this time as you have raised so many things to consider.
Very briefly our Aussie cat litter is pure (only with cobalt indicator, which I don’t think matters). It is so cheap for a huge bag that will last forever.
Is your silicate bonded perlite on the hot face or outside? If on the inside chromium leaching should not be a problem. My experimental ceramic burner is made entirely out of post hole soil/silicate refractory. So there is no metal involved there(apart from metal studs and other fittings.
My silicate renders are stretchable and flexible as they are still a polymer (believe it or not). The do flake off, but this is when the surface is inadequately prepared (etched and degreased). They hang onto stainless steel that has gone through many heating and cooling cycles to 500C and more that, like you, I can not measure.
I would really like to find your furnace design and I am perplexed about how you made your furnace with silicate when you make your silicate in the same furnace. I seems like a good riddle!
Is the silicate/perlite board commercial or homemade? I would like to know the recipe.
I was on night shift,starting another one in few hours 🙂
I had a quick look at available cat litter and its better than few years ago when I looked at it last time (or I looked better this time :-). Around £20 for 10L is not tragic and it looks pretty pure. It would need lower temperatures than glass to melt it so once weather is bearable ill have a go.
Silicate bonded perlite is behind the steel, its just a heat resistant insulation. As mentioned steel doesn’t last forever so when I have to replace it again I will either protect it with your silicate render or try to get away with steel and use all-silicate construction. To add strength I will use some steel wires/wool and/or rockwool.
I didn’t make it with silicate … yet :-). Vast majority of stoves/furnaces I made are steel construction often with home made sodium silicate bonded perlite as insulation.
Once silicate cures you would have to dump it into hydroxide to dissolve again. Without hydroxide cured silicates, silica at this stage, is quite heat resistant. It does go glassy after a while and it is because Na is still there and its an effective flux. Last season I was thinking to replace sodium silicate with ammonium silicate or ethyl silicate. Huge benefit of using one of them would mean that there is no Na or K and once its cured and fired they break down leaving pure silica with no fluxing agent. It should be way more heat resistant than sodium silicate ceramics.
Due to lack of time I’ve not tackled producing ammonia or ethyl silicate yet. Hopefully this season.
When you hear solution on stove. What temperature and how long does this take.
Eva, It takes about half an hour if you are careful. It makes its own heat for a start then you must heat it to finish the reaction. Have not measured the temperature, but it would be over 100C.
Hello from down under, New Zealand. I enjoyed reading your article heaps ! Yeh it’s a learn from mistakes “Bucket Science” but when you succeed it’s a WOW. I’ve just finished making me a medium sized Foundry..Waiting for it to dry “properly” and am nervous about removing the Inner and outer 🙁 However after reading Patents on making Silica Gel and all this abut Sodium sulfate as a nano structure, I got confused !! Answer to make a fresh batch of Sodium Silicate slightly more then yours and start adding Sodium Sulfate, “PH Decrease”: After around 5 teaspoons I noticed the un saturated kitty litter going soft!! I added a Table spoon and wallah !! It turned into a very thickish porridge. About 3 liters or more. Checking tomorrow to see if Sodium sulfate has suck out all the moisture? It’s been a several hours and it looks good ! Cheers for your article as it got me back into it !! Thanks
Hi, Glad that I got you back into it! I hope it works well. Now, what is this Downunder stuff? We are on top and I am just across the ditch (near MOE-Moccasins On Everyone).
ha ha 🙂
I awoke sought of knowing the gel content I had stored was gel due to the heat of the solution. I was right. Oddly enough I am left with not a solid gunk of hardened porridge but a mas of individual Crystals/Salts ?? I’ve started draining the liquid out and then drying off. I know what to expect with my pool indicator test so I’ll carry on until it’s all dry. In the back of my head I’m hoping for a solid to mix with liquid ( Silicate ) to form molds? So until then, everyone have a great and safe time exploring. Emile
Interesting article indeed, but I had hoped that some actual recipes would accompany the mixes. I plan on a backyard foundry primarily for melting aluminium, brass & copper to refine for use in various projects. So far my focus is on a castable refractory using Perlite, clay, sand blasting media and sodium silicate formed in a propane bottle with a single propane fueled burner. If that is satisfactory possibly constructing a larger multi-burner set up.
Hi Richard, Thanks for your comment and interest. I have a draft post on various mixes that have worked for me (and ones that might be worth a try) and I plan to include approximate weight ratios of matrix and silicate. However, anyone using these ideas would be best to test their own materials as there could be considerable variation in both the matrix and the DIY silicate concentration and its pH. Please look at my post on refractory mixing
This should give you an idea of the proportions that I now use. Essentially, it is the least amount of silicate that will make a workable plastic texture. I have had success with all the materials that you list, but not the clay. Please let me know if you can make clay work. The post hole soil (as used in the above mixing post) was cheap and tough. Good luck with your project.
I am very intrigued by your garnet stone. I recently obtained a 50 lb bag of 10 micron garnet abrasive. I am upgrading my backyard foundry from a 5 gallon metal bucket to a 30 gallon steel water tank.. I also have sodium silicate, Hawthorne 35 fireclay, mullite, fine silica sand (sifted to 200 mesh), Rutland 2200 refractory cement, and Cerablanket 2400. What would you suggest my best recipe for insulating my new furnace?
Hi David, I would be happy to help you if I can. Please make allowances for my observations/suggestions being based on experimentation and a little knowledge of chemistry, but a bountiful dose of ignorance and disregard for the proper way of doing things. Please, whatever you try, do it with a small amount of material to see if it works before committing to the big project.
What will be the max operating temperature?
Is your sodium silicate cheap DIY stuff?
Can you show us a photo of your current foundry?
(I am also interested in this as I must make one for myself some time)
My immediate thoughts would be to make garnet/silicate tiles/bricks for the foundry lining (if the garnet is fine and cheap). I think smaller units stacked together are less prone to cracking and much easier to make and quicker to cure and ‘fire’ to make the final garnet stone. I would put cheap insulation between the tiles and supporting drum.
I am away from my formulation log (recipe) book at the moment, so I do not have the exact mix that you have asked about. Will get back with it. However, I am constantly improving and adding to my recipes with experience. I am improving the mixing method which allows the use of less water in the recipes.
If you read the recent addendum in this post, there are similar crab-hole and post-hole soils tested as refactory mixes with sodium silicate (100g dry ground soil and 30g of DIY sodium silicate). I now mixed these, with no extra water, in a freezer bag using a rolling pin. This made mixing easy and clean. It resulted in a delightful plasticene texture that was easy for molding and much better than my earlier ‘crumbly’ mixes.
As a general rule I use the least water and silicate that will hold the mix together befor firing.
Lastly from your question, I would not view the garnet/silicate stone as an insulator, but rather a hot-face for the working surface of the foundry. All my dense refratories in this post are not good insulators!. The insulation should be the next layer between the garnet stone and the drum.
I hope I make sense and I am happy to answer any more questions.
That is great. I can use my kwool as the insulator next to the drum. Making bricks is a great idea and I can make the wooden brick molds with the angles already made (no sawing or filing. Now, for the ingredient measurements…
What is your method for firing your refractories? What temp and how long for drying and then firing/curing?
Hi David, Times depend on thickness. Dry at a little over 100C, but not over 150C. Cure at 200+ C and fire at 500-1000+C. I don’t know the max temperature limit. What temperature do you smelt at? I use forced air and charcoal and the items go a translucent pale straw yellow colour and they come out fine. The curing (and drying) involves reaction with carbon dioxide, so I try to dry and cure in a CO2 rich atmosphere such as over a candle in a can or in a closed wood fire stove. I think this accelerates the cure. I also use an inverted insulated can that I put on the exposed cook top of my wood stove for the drying and then curing. I presume ther is enough CO2 from the air. The temperature can be adjusted between ~130 and 200+ depending upon the strength of the fire.
I will add a post on firing.
I have also just posted on refractory mixing. You may find this helpful.
Thanks. This is helpful.
Hi Paul, It would be nice if you could attach a photo of your stove so that I can see what you are doing
Hi Paul, Thanks for your interest. Regarding your questions, I don’t do texting, and phone from US to Australia could be expensive. However, I would be happy to use this post to answer your questions. Regarding “interfacing metal parts with refractories” there is a real issue of differential expansion/contraction with stove parts that cycle through large temperature ranges. Please see my post about my tent stoves where some designs interface stainless steel or titanium with fussed quarts burner glasses. Sooner or later differential expansion or contraction will destroy the stove glass (I have a box full of broken burner glasses to remind me of this). This experience has been reported to me by another stove innovator who made a tent stove based on my design. I consider that a slip surface should be created at the interface between the metal and refractory to make the union sustainable.
Hey tim, I read your article with great interest. I am building survival stoves and I’m going to try to build them out of Refractories. your information was invaluable to me. I am attempting to make the interface between some metal parts of the stove with Refractories and having some issues. I am new to Refractories and your information was very helpful in understanding what I may need to do. I am attempting to build these out of aircrete and infuse in some refractories. Would it be possible for me to call you I am not very good at texting. didn’t grow up with computers and fingers don’t work that good anymore too old I guess. anyway my phone number is 208 889 7525 I live up in Idaho and am starting this stove business. would love to talk to you I’m a tinkerer like you. take care have a great day thanks best regards paul
Wow, I had no idea that you could make a survival stove out of refectories. I have never build anything using a refractory, but I am really interested in how people make such cool things out of it. I think I might play around with the things in this article, and maybe try and look up how to build other cool things like a stove with it!
Hi Sandra, If you are interested, I have added a new post on experiments with my ceramic stick burner with some video links within it.